Hi there readers,
Hope you are well. Another day and still coughing. Still at least the infection is clearing up even if the cough isnt.
Rant: some bloke saying that Labour have looked after the economy on tv this morning.....yeah right... that upped taxed, road tax, national insurance....disgraceful thievery more like. Time they went. Please the USA impeach Bush and Cheney and if you can manage it Blair. There are no WMDs in Iraq, never was, never had been. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence could see that. Now these idiots have put our countries under threat of terrorist attack. Charge em with treason I say because there is no excuse for their lies to the whole world.
Transport policy - what rot... we were told unleaded petrol was cleaner than old 4 star and what they do? Tax it...saying its knackering the environment.....BS!!! Try taxing those guzzling aircraft which cause more pollution than the car. Even diesel is cleaner these days yet still.... sick of all this hypocritical BS the government comoe out with. Shame the price of fuel isnt going up - would like to see a petrol strike. I would get on me bike then :)
As for what I have done today, well after the usual round of reading including a couple of pages on Robert Howlett the man who photographed Isambard Kingdom Brunel and about the cd-writing sotware in Linux. I had a shower, got dressed, had some tea and toast and walked to ASDA after checking my emails. Nothing interesting. Got what I wanted from ASDA namely food, like satsumas, bread, cooked meat, chop and milk and walked home. Put it away, put the cardboard in the car and after 20goes at trying to start it managed to get it to start.
I then drove to the tip, getting rid of the cardboard, drove to Essington Fruit Farm and got me a porkpie, some potatoes, carrots, and some vine tomatoes and broccoli and drove home. No trouble starting the car this time. Just about remembered the speed camera as I went through it.
I came home, watched the pilot episode of House on DVD where a teacher has collapsed speaking gibberish at a school. House gets collared into doing what can only be GP's work lol.
After that had half the porkpie, and as I was eating it, my mum rang asking if I wanted to go round for lunch. So i did in the car which started first time. Didnt have to fix anything this time. My stepfather says he was impressed with the Bala run train sim addin. Its been on his PC for a while.
After coffee I left and came home, printed off some photos I took over Cannock Chase a couple of months ago. Must learn to focus properly as many were wrongly focused. Also copied them to DVD. One down loads to go. :(
I also as these were printing , read some journal articles for my uni essay. I have since read a couple of chapters from some books.
I am just filling in this blog and then going to bed. Well once I have done my Myspace one.
And a website.
http://www.morrisphoto.co.uk/ - check this for photography equipment. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Thank you for reading.
Best regards for now.
As for what I have done today?