Tuesday 21st November 2006
Hi there readers.
Hope you are well. Still coughing a little.
Long day today at work...well disaster recovery testing. It didn't go according to plan. Can't say much suffice to say remember this phrase 'assumption is the mother of all fuckups'. Now I dont usually swear but I will make an exception today. They weren't mine - they were the fault of; a) others and b) badly designed error messages. Fortunately I am sceptical and checked something out and it was found that the message was wrong. I should stop worrying that I think I am wrong and start remembering people havent seen what I have seen or read as usually the case.
Once we got back to the office we were there another half hour at least with someone from another dept saying something as she snook into the office, almost scaring me.
I came home and left my colleague to do half hour more to catch up with me on the overtime front. We weren't happy.
I had beans on toast for tea, have read my post and emails. Did about an hours studying. Fed the cats and now they will go back outside again as I go to bed.
And a website: http://www.democraticbooks.org/ - something about photography and books I think, but my eyes are too tired to read it. Please let me know what you think.
Thank you.
Best regards for now.
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