Saturday 11th November 2006
Hi there readers,
Hope you are all well. I am still coughing but it is getting better.
Boracic now till pay day. So I have not been anywhere today.
I started this morning by reading a few articles on photography and one on Linux(well Gnomemeeting and Skype). I then got out of bed and put some washing in the washing machine. Then had some tea and toast. I then preceeded to watch King Arthur on DVD. It was an ok film, quite violent... some blood, more than in the The Last Samurai anyway. Clive Owen as King Arthur seemed a bit stiff, Ioan Gruffud was ok as Lancelot, more relaxed, but the character Boors played by Ray Winstone was good and Ray Winston played him excellently, in fact the best actor in the film. If you should see this or have seen this let me know what you think.
This afternoon once I had a cup of soup, I read one article for my uni course. Then I switched the telly on and what was on? The rugby...they were showing the Wales game... if the Welsh stopped switching off to let the other team score a try I would say they would be my favourites for the six nations. At least they have a better chance than England who were beaten by Argentina.... in the rugby I ask you. Now you know when it comes to Rugby Union why I support Wales.
I then started on the second article I planned to read today related to my uni course. I read half of it before I had my tea. My brother has dented a hire car apparently he has... he his trying to get it fixed before he has to give it back.
I then watched Strictly Come Dancing and Robin Hood on BBC1 while eating my beans on toast. I then switched to Channel 5 after the result and watched NCIS - 2 episodes of. I wont tell you what has happened in the latter one in case you want to catch it some other time.
I downloaded my email and will read it tomorrow. I have put the cats out as I was finishing reading the second article. I have also rated a bit more of the music on my pc and moved some of my CDs up into my bedroom. Need another case.
And finally the website for today is - a photographer's website. He specialises in wildlife photography. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Thank you.
Hope you all sleep well.
Good night.
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