Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday 31st October 2006

Hi people.

Well it is halloween...yawn or should that be all Hallow's eve. Anyways its been a bit more chilly here today. Need a jumper tomorrow. I still have my chest infection. grrr!!! Wish it would clear up.

I drove to work today. Still listening to Alison Krauss in the car. Work was quiet, the boss was off. No tales to tell. When I left I drove home via the supermarket...seemed really busy today for some reason. Dont know where everyone had come from.

I came home, read the post and my email. Had a steak and kidney pie for tea with some bread. Watched a bit of Eastenders on BBC1 and Watchdog. Also watched a bit of CSI Miami on channel 5. I also read one or two rail modelling articles. And 100pages of the Wilbur Smith book Rage where the first demonstrations against apartheid have taken place. Moses Gama is whisked off to Russia for training, while other ANC leaders have been arrested. There was an horrific scene during the demonstration Moses Gama took part in and you will have to read the book to see for yourself. Tara Courtney is still sleeping with Moses on and off and he is also slseeping every now and again with his wife. Shasa, Tara's husband is sleeping with a news journalist.... its goes on and on. Tara gave birth to the baby she was carrying and is now sidling upto her husband as she gave he baby away, although no sexual relations.

Speaking of which, my love life is dead at this moment. I seem calm at the moment even though I have a lot of uni work to do, well mostly reading. Just awaiting the outcome from my project proposal which could be a few more weeks.

And with that, I will be off to bed in a sec, but if you are looking for a job try http://www.redgoldfish.co.uk - take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading and I will post again soon. I think you can RSS feed my blog to check when I have updated it :)

good night people.


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