Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday 24th October 2006

Hi People,

Hope you are well.

I still have a chest infection. Just having a mug of tea before I go to bed.

Today, I got up at 530am etc and when I went to work I used me car. Work today was long, and busyish. I did one hours overtime, and apparently we have got to do some more of those folders I might of mentioned in some previous posts a few weeks ago. They have to be done before the end of the week and my work colleague is on holiday. :( Still...... we are good at performing miracles plus some extra letters that had to be sent out.

Once I got the letters to start printing I then came home. No punctures today either. I did go to the supermarket first to get bread, fruit etc. Shouldnt have to go again before the end of the week. Had a Fray Bentos pie for tea...steak and kidney. It was ok.

Watched Holby City after reading my email and checking my myspace account. Ordered one christmas present so far...only 9 to go. Finished off a country walking magazine while my brother was on the internet.

I am feeling tired so I am going to bed in a min.

First though a website for your http://neris.mii.lt/homepage/lietuva.html - it is about Lithuania where the only person currently on my ICQ messenger list is from. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading and hope you have a good night.

Byeeee for now.


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