Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday 20th October 2006

Hi people,

Its been two weeks since I updated my blog. I suffer from an inability to do it every day, as in I either get distracted or I forget. Once I forget I then have to build my psyche back up to do it everyday.

So whats happened in the last two weeks? Well the usual. On earlies last week and been on normal days this week. I used the car all last week. I cycled to work everyday this week except Wednesday :) Hope the weight starts coming off. Its not too difficult either. Hope I can do it next week when I am on earlies.

Pay day came and went and am now boracic again. I only mind when I can't escape the house and go places. Mind you the train services on the weekend over autumn and winter are dire. Change here change there and oh..... its a bus service... stuff that I say. The thieving government should reduce fuel duty because they will never have a public transport system that will work as it is expected and at the weekend you got to use a car anyway mostly especially over the autumn and winter months.

I am still single for those women who are interested :) is there anyone there?

Uni is slow going... got the research to read and emailed my project proposal after finding it frustrating trying to hand it in to the university's registry office. I am a part-time student and I find this ridiculous. Fortunately I finish early well 3pm and should make it to the registry office to hand it in the hard copy.

Just been having a sort out well in the living room anyways, still loads to do. Been spending more than I should...silly me. I should know better still... you only live once. lol At least where I work we have the share save scheme so I do save something. :)

It was my niece's birthday Wednesday so popped round to drop her present off. The sister-in-law wasnt too well and they are all off on holiday soon. I had been round their house Saturday sorting my brother's computer out. Getting Windows onto his C: drive. They treated me to a curry. :) yum yum.

The last couple of days have been hard at work. There have been one or two consumable problems, printers broke down and me almost tearing me hair out at one stage especially today. Still got there in the end all sorted.

Finished off three Amateur Photography magazines today. Yippee. Need to catch up. Finished the Coast book from the National Trust yesterday, the photography is excellent.

Well I am off to bed in a minute if my cough lets me. Got tickly throat with all this blooming dust.

Ah aha. A website. hmmm - a Manchester arts and entertainment centre. Take a look at the website and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading.

Please let me have your comments. I would love to hear from you. :) Will try and remember to post tomorrow.

Night night for now.


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