Wednesday 27th September 2006
Hi people,
Hope you are all well. I am feeling ok at the moment. Still miss the loving touch.
My Wednesday this week went at follows.
I got up at 5:30am and the usual, had a shave, filled my blog etc etc. I went to work still listening to the Pink CD.
Work was well, quite busy today. Had a couple of visitors, two from the office across the bridge and a visitor from a supplier. Was tasked with creating a form in Outlook. Turns out that having the 2003 version is a pain cause the person who needs the form has 2000. Grrrr. What fun although I suspect the problem is down to needing a reinstall than a compatibility issue.
Anyways leaving work 5 minutes late I then drove into town. I parked on the civic centre car park and walked in to the IT building at university and went to see the lecturer who I hope will be my supervising tutor this year. After about 20mins to half and hour and learning what I could do which is HCI and home entertainment - internet wise. I have got an idea now what I would like to do. So just got to read the guidelines and then formulate my plan of attack.
After that I then walked from the main uni campus to the main registry office and handed in the letter from my employer who is paying my fees.
After that I went and retrieved my car and drove to ASDA and got some bread, cooked meat, cat food, satsumas, bananas and a melon medley.
Then I drove home and put the shopping away. Swapped my trousers for my long shorts and after reading my email and post(which was left on top of the recycling bin - must complain to the post office to have that stopped) I then drove round me mums. I fixed my half brothers internet connection problem which was caused by the dial up modem card apparently. The PC eventually loaded a box asking me if I wished to ignore it. So i did. That sorted I then came home, rechecked my email. I had two toast and two boiled eggs for tea while I watched Celebrity Masterchef on BBC1. There was nothing on telly so I just surfed the internet chatting to the ex ex gf before I logged off, ironed a t-shirt, put the cats out and then went to bed.
For you I have a website. Like cooking??? Try - home of british cook Delia Smith. Letme know what you think of this site.
Thank you. Hope you have a good day
Take care.
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