Friday 15th September 2006
Its been a quiet old day. Pay day today. Not a fat lot left after paying the bills. But I don't mind.
I got up at 5:40am this morning. I had a shave, the usual tea and toast for breakfast and filled in my blog which took me longer than inspected. I did some rolls for lunch and then got dressed and drove to work listening to the Killers.
Work was a quiet day and nothing interesting happened. We only had two visitors from across the bridge. A delivery of paper. And the two engineers who popped in, one to fix a printer and the other to see the boss. Someone sent me a joke via email. After my near miss with HR the start of the year I shall not be forwarding them home. :( But if you have heard the one about the Love dress then you'll have heard it. Speaking of email I did email the Msc Computer Science tutor at Wolverhampton to get some information which she duly replied to before leaving work. Apparently term starts this comign Monday. :( But its freshers week fortunately so I have another week's grace.
Drove home via Dunelm Mill getting an uplighter, some bin bags, a long pillow case, a utensil holder and a couple of tall mugs. Well the last two in the shop anyway. Came to more than £21. Then I drove to the supermarket and got some fruit and some cat food. Then I drove home.
I read my email and there was nothing interesting there. There was later though on AOL email and email about the new Nintendo Wii. If I could afford one of them I would seriously get one. Stuff the Xbox 360 and the delayed PS3. Then opened the post. The alumni magazine from Coventry University. Three books on photoshop Elements. And my deodarant I had ordered online turned up too. The student loans company had returned my payslips as well. I think thats all of it.
I read another 50 pages of the Da Vinci Code today. The two main characters Neveu and Langdon are at a Mr Teabing's house discussing the Holy Grail. I wont spoil the surprise if you havent read the book yourself. The crook is almost upon them and so are the law. Who will get there first? I dunno will find out later but will not tell you.
I ate some melon melody and a packet of french fries before having a beefburger sandwich for tea. I watched the news on telly, then Celebrity Masterchef, follwed by question of Sport, Eastenders, whatever was on no BBC1 after that. Then swtiched to ITV shock....horror and watched Rebus. Ken Stott is the actor who defines Rebus according to the book not that young whipper snapper whoever it was the first time around. Then I saw a little of the Charlotte Church show before watching the end of the Steven Seagal film Belly of the Beast on channel 5. Eventually went to bed after a mug of Ovaltine. didnt help me sleep though. I was very restless.
A website for your delight today. - take a look and let me know what you think. If any of my links dont appear to work click the date as that will take you to the site as well.
Thank you for reading and I shall post again laters.
Have a good day people. Stay well.
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