Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday 14th November 2006

Hi there readers,

Hope you are all well. Well I am still coughing every now and again.

I am feeling relatively calm today. I was comtemplative this afternoon. Thinking that I will give my company till June 2007 to decide to make use of me and my masters degree - when I finish it of course. If not then I will start to look elsewhere. I would like to find a company outside my current one where I could be on trial on the weekend while still doing my other job just in case it fell through... and to make sure they were getting what they wanted.

Well today its been the same as the rest of the week so far. Read a few artciles, pages from books etc including a Linux article on the accessibility of Suse Linux - KDE desktop - which is a pain cause I use the Gnome desktop. I have this evening finished reading an edition of Black and White Photography magazine. This morning I watched I-Spy the film on DVD with Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy. Its bad enough one of them talks forever without stopping but Owen Wilson just whinges on and on. Grrrrr!!! They could have found a better looking actress too. lol
Apparently Johnny Vaughan in the News of the World rated it 5 stars. Errr i think not more like 2.

I have read another three journal articles while reading email, watching Murder She Wrote and a little of Holby City. Still waiting for an answer from my brother on what to get my nephew for Christmas. I also had to fix my cousin's mate's PC by putting in my spare power supply unit. You should have seen the muck on the heat sync fan.... rofl and I thought mine was dusty. I did get it work eventually. So that was sorted out and then advised him on a new mouse, wireless optical not an optical one with a wire. Also advised him on DVD writers. See what he gets shall we.

And now for the website http://www.idtheftcenter.org/index.shtml - as it says but it is an American based site. ID theft does occur. But fortunately it's occurrence is rare but the chance to lose you identity to someone else is all to easy as checking your email will find out and all those spam mails you get. Grrrrr!!! Watch out, dont reply to anything you are nor expecting. Install a good antivirus and a good firewall, windows defender if you use Windows and a program called Adware - as defender seems lacking in a lot of basics.

I am off now so I will bade you farewell.

Take care readers.


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