Monday 13th November 2006
Hi there readers,
Hope you are all well. Still coughing here a little. Nearly run out of antibiotics...hope its gone before the end of the week.
before what i have done today my occasional rant well comments: Bush/Blair should be impeached for lieing to just about everyone. Giving compensation to prisoners cause they had to go without their drugs? Absolutely disgraceful. They are in prison to be punished and if they dont get their drugs....well tough!!! Just another liberty they are allowed to take under this loony labour government - traitors!!! SAP advertising its software on mainstream tv... err why??? I have used it, I certaintly wouldn't have it in a company I was running. And anyways they can't technically use SAP as an acronym cause the World Bank beat them to it many years ago.... SAP = Stuctural Adjustment Programs... I know I studied it for my disseration when I was first at university.
So what have I been doing today? Well the usual mix of reading before I got up. Off work all this week. I then watched Bridget Jones Diary - Edge of Reason, didn't seem as funny as it did when I saw it at the cinema with the ex ex gf. Thats a point I am still single and noone in sight for me at the moment. Mentally - calmish although this cough is annoying me. Bored too at times. Although I did manage to empty the bins this morning shock...horror rofl.
I then read some more magazine articles before having a sandwich and reading 3 journal articles as research for my uni project. They aint half boring, and sometimes so long winded....yawn. Must remember to add internet to the search next time.... to reduce the amount of rubbish i get.
I have also read my emails, filled in my blog and uploaded a photo to a photo site called treklens. Learned about the spot healing brush in a book about photoshop elements, which seems a bit naff at time cause it misses some important information and leaves me scratching my(and no i havent got nits).
I did have to order some ink cartidges from amazon for my printer as when i tried to do some printing this afternoon of word definitions there was no black. :( Still things can only get better as they say. And my one brother wants me to go round and fix his gf''s sister's computer, well install java anyways. Will do that once my car passes the MOT.
And the website for today I give you is - fancy a holiday in Mid Wales then try this site. Let me know what you think about it.
Thank you for reading.
Best regards for now.
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