Sunday, August 19, 2007

This week

Hi there readers,

Hope you are well.

I am still single and skint. Which is ok to a point and I should really be looking for a better paid job.

This week upto Friday, I cycled to work on days. The boss was off Friday so was on me todd. It was the quietest day of the week. Added loads of friends to my myspace.

Then.....yesterday, went to Merry Hill shopping with my half-brothers for birthday presents, tshirts, chocolate(expensive new store called Hotel Chocolat) and a console game. I spent the rest of the time playing games, watching telly and surfing the net....well myspace. It was 9pm before I ordered pizza for my tea.

Today......hmmm went to the supermarket, sorting out some clothes, doing the washing, reading magazines, playing games and a little bit of surfing the net. Had my tea at a more reasonable hour today.

Thats it really. I must cut down the number of magazines I buy. Gain more confidence and hope the hedgehog in the garden isnt eating the cats food. Still, Man utd lost but Wolves won :)

Was going to have a rant but cant remember what about...mmmm all i will say there are some companies who are so blind they cannot see the wood for the trees. They must open their eyes.

Oh I was daydreaming this morning before getting up I was going to be on Opray Winfrey show....I was only daydreaming fortunately otherwise I would have beleived it lol

Thats it really. Two websites for you are - its the banner that made me laugh. :) and - about books including reviews etc.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you. :)


At 10:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember 2x37's going over Barmouth bridge in 1986 I was on them.
I know who you are (TARMAC)


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