Hi there readers,
I really am having trouble keeping this up. I will get back into the swing of it....eventually :( just may take longer than I thought.
Hope you are all well. I still single. I currently have a stuffy nose and sore lower back although I think my kidneys may have some kind of inflamation or irritation which could be something I eat. :( Oh well. Hope it all gets sorted out soon.
The picture on the right was taken from Dinas Oleu above Barmouth overlooking the estuary. Let me know what you think of the picture. Thank you.
Since my last post I have been working same old job as before. The week before last was busy and last week was quiet. I have gotten a bit fed up with it now. There seems to be loads of 'fraudulent' suck ups getting jobs they shouldn't. Seems some bosses are abusing their power. So much for fair play. hummmph!!!
Last sunday was Father's day here in England and went round me mum's and gave stepfather his present. The Friday just gone was one of my niece's birthday and so went round there and gave her a present which my mum suggested I get only she had already bought it. Doh!!!! Oh well.
Yesterday, had half-brother's round as one does two hours in my garden every other week, Myself and the other one went to a shop to get him a Nunchuck as I found one for him online. :)
Then we all went to Telford with the older of the two driving in his car. All ok down the motorway there. I had a sore head when I cam out of Telford shopping centre - first time I have been there in years. Oh and if you buy anything from HMV there make sure they swipe the security tag as ASDA's things go off when you enter the store. That is a pain. My half brother put them in his car. Left to come home. Coming down the M54 some idiots who think they own the road in a Merc 4 by 4 type vehicle which is black and i think reg is MDH 5, decided even though they were hundreds of yards behind to tailgate my half brother as he was overtaking a lorry. They literally appeared out of nowhere obviously ingorant to other road users. They flashed my brother, and I gave them the bird. If the UK government will let these irresponsible idiots on the road the accident rate is going to shoot up.
Anyways, got home, I spent more than i intended especially on lunch. And dont think i did much after that as I had a sore head.
Today, back to my local ASDA for some things I forgot yesterday. Oh well, Done some washing, and put the dishwasher on. Made my tea and chatted online. That is it really. Off to bed in a minute.
Let me know what you think of these sites.
Thank you. :)