Friday 31st December 2004
Well another day and more boredom. I know i have coursework to do but i am too restless to do it.
Just not happy at all. Not looking forward to another crappy year at all. Wish i had stayed in bed.
Oh well.
This will be a blog about my life as a diary. Each post I will try and add a website or two that are of use to me or reflect my general mood at the time.
Well another day and more boredom. I know i have coursework to do but i am too restless to do it.
Updated: Well she msn'd me and told me she didnt think it would work out. Then either blocked me or logged off. I understood she had some emotional problems and certain things still dont ignore the bloke your suppose to love or have loved.
Well its Tuesday. Feeling thoroughly dejected at the moment. Have no life and soul left.
Merry christmas. Its been a white one here, rather late in the day. It snowed around 8pm here.
Well its half way through the week.
Hello again,
Well its been a better week. I got a grade A in the first piece of coursework for my masters degree. For a short while it will be available to view at
Well i am feeling a little happier. Work was ok. The woman I mentioned in previous posts texted me last night to tell me it was her who had the problems not me. I told her I just wanted to understand her.
Well it is now Sunday. I still feel miserable and upset and totally despondent with life. A relationship was what i wanted for christmas this year and thats been blown out of the water. Apart from going round mum's christmas day i think i will spend most of the holiday in bed as I have no inclination to get out of bed till i have to go to work,
What a week. It started ok enough. The previous week I never got to see the woman i was supposed to be seeing. By sheer ingenuity and because she needed a printer(i had a spare one) i dropped it off Tuesday morning. I was told she would see me on Thursday lunchtime for an hour.