Friday, December 03, 2004

A week that starts well and ends in despair

What a week. It started ok enough. The previous week I never got to see the woman i was supposed to be seeing. By sheer ingenuity and because she needed a printer(i had a spare one) i dropped it off Tuesday morning. I was told she would see me on Thursday lunchtime for an hour.
Yesterday came and went. In reply to my text message to her yesterday morning she replied saying she wouldnt be in. That was truly disappointing. Not only that my bank had lost my loan application in the same morning so you can imagine I was feeling fairly miffed by now.
After I got back from Uni yesterday evening I texted her to find out what she had been doing. She texted me back a couple of times, the first to say it was her own business the 2nd to say she had too many thoughts and stuff she needed to sort out and that she couldn't commit to me. As you can imagine i was truly disappointed and upset. We both had felt love for the first time but now she doesnt know what she wants.
I am that disappointed i have chucked out christmas decorations. Any in the attic will go to the tip tomorrow. I really do not want to have a Christmas this year. And as for new years eve well i shall stay in bed.

I tried to see what a website at would be like but its just a shopping portal.

Oh well.


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