Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday 5th December 2006

Hi there readers,

Hope you are well. Not feeling too bright today. Perhaps it is because I am single and Christmas is coming....just makes me feel down.

Thoughts of the day - well its funny how my step-father is ok with using this modern computer but my uncle who is nearly 20 years younger is not interested at all. Mind you my nan doesnt like the DVD player. Finds it awkard to use. As for my thoughts on my uni coursework I think I am behind. The uni term is nearly over and I havent done the survery yet...shock horror. Wonder if I can get a weeks study leave next year. I am over my last gf but not the one before. Finding it hard not to be down about it, I can't stop caring just cause we don't see each other, and she lives a few miles across town. Don't have the confidence anymore.

Anyways, today, I have been to work. Got my brother up and got him to drive me to work as it was too windy and wet to cycle. I also got up late by 40mins. At least I managed to have my toast although I missed my shower. Will shave before I go to bed and have the shower in the morning. Otherwise my hair will look like a bird's nest. lol Work was busy, but slow going. My colleague drove me home via the town task I have to do.

Once home I managed to read my email, do a little studying, watched an episode of House on DVD - thats the 3rd one completed. Fed the cats. Had soup for tea. Rated some Itunes tracks. Thats about it really. Oh and a bit of time in contemplation and thought. Wish I didn't do that cause it can be depressing.

Still, a website for you is http://www.sigma-imaging-uk.com/ - an supplier of camera lenses etc. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading.


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