Saturday 9th December 2006
Hello there readers,
Hope you are well, as I sneeze at the screen. No worries though not coming down with a cold.
Thought: Why should the motorist like me pay more in road tax and fuel duty....when trains dont run when we want them too and the same goes for buses, Talk about abusing the tax payer. I mean at peak times both buses and trains are overcrowded - thats a fact. Who wants to be squashed like a sardine. Not me. This theiving UK government will soon have the biggest shock of their lives when people find out the real truth about the UK economy - same old labour same old and spend. Where's the police - they seem to spend most of their time frittering about from one place to another.... Anyways.... what have a I been doing today otherwise this posting could run on and on.
Its a Saturday and.....well not much. Put a couple of Christmas decorations up and sprayed some of that fame snow spray on some windows. I have written some Christmas cards. Will finish the rest of tomorrow.
I did my usual round of reading before I got up. I have done bits of studying, been to ASDA on foot. :) I have watched an episode of House on DVD, Strictly Come Dancing on BBC1 as well as Robin Hood. I also saw NCIS on channel 5. I have also rated a few tunes.
Here is today's website - home of Olympus the camera maker as well as other things. Take as look and let me know what you think of it.
Thank you for reading. :)
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