Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday 16th April 2006

Hi People,

Hope you are all well.

Friday: Well being as it is Good Friday, it is a holiday here so no work. I got up at 10am. Tried installing MS Train Simulator on a second PC to see how it runs. Had some problems so posted a question to a forum. I have since got some software that helps solve some of the problems. I also managed to update the comedy podcasts I download. Although I have a massive load to listen too. I went to the chippy for my tea.. pie chips and peas. Watched Tarantino's CSI epispodes on DVD, it was quite good, if perhaps a tad predictable. I also put some washing out to dry, the cats outside in the morning with their food. Just very bored and skint.

Saturday: Technically pay day, paid bills and skint again....same old same old, plus water rates today and for the next 6 months :( I got up today at 8:45am. I fed the cats as usual and put them outside. I went to the local supermarket and spent more than i intended...:( cat litter, washing powder etc etc all add up. Post today were the birthday presents I had ordered and a bill for my brother ha ha. I woke up with a headache. Thought it could be sinuses so took a sudafed. Didnt do anything so tried eye drops, didnt work either and then tried a couple of solpadine dissolvable....improved my head, not fully but still. Installed the Train software that helps with MSTS. Read my email. Not much worth reading. Full the dishwasher and put that on and the same with the washing machine. Still bored and skint. Got dragged down a pub called the Newhampton by my cousin and my brother. Its ok there especially the barmaids lol. I had 3 pints of guinness. Then we walked home and I went to bed. Didnt sleep too well.

Sunday: I got up about half 8. Read an article in each of the Amateur Photographer magazines and Photography Monthly. I fed the cats and put them outside. Put a load of washing in the washing machine. Hung the clothes out I washed yesterday. Went round mum's for Easter lunch of lamb and veg. Had to go via my nan's and pick her up too. Round my mum's I sorted out my half-brother's PC, basically, update the AV and antispyware and configured there email for them. My stepfather's PC had a MSTS add-in pack added and discovered it needs some upgrading. I got a Kit Kat easter egg. Yum yum. Came home and a couple of goes on MSTS and watched a little telly and thats about it.

Apparently the red route is being challenged........yipppeeee!!! Wait and see what happens. although the policiticians seem to forget about the motorists, residents and shopkeepers who live along the Stafford Road in Wolverhampton. And the £3.50 a day, tv and phone, or 49p a minute if you phone a patients bedside phone in hospital is being investigated. Rofl....wait and see what happens with that. Oh and an MP has said the BNP party is gaining lots of disaffected labour surprise... the people who actually live in this country are always ignored by the politicians(asylum seekers appear to be treated better than pensioners for example). I dont like the BNP...they are mostly racist. I know one or two who would vote for them though. oh dear.....

Finally: a website. - a website for activity holidays. Let me know what you think about it.

Thank you and hope you all have had a good weekend.



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