Friday, January 21, 2005

Fri 21st Jan 2005

Well its been a sort of fun week. Won a mobile phone as a runner up in an AOL competition.

Work has been busy. And i finally sorted out my pc. phew.

Must concentrate on revising as i have an exam next week. It just remembering stuff and its a seen exam. Unfortuantely not allowed to take notes and books into the exam. oh well.

It's quiet on the love lfe front.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Monday 17th January 2005

Well a quiet weekend. Got a shock at the supermarket. I had been paid but it had almost all gone in bills and bank charges. Fortunately i just managed to pay for it all after some 20 minutes on the phone to the bank much to the annoyance of customers behind me. :o(

Here is some info on me.

Critical - sometimes, especially if let down.
Sarcy - depends on the person
Maths - maybe slightly dyslexic with the symbols.
Passionate - true
Personal Finances - rubbish(even though i am good at maths)
Intelligent - very - IQ 129

Well thats a start will post some more later.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Thursday 13th January 2005

Well its ten days since my last post.

Nothing has changed with ones love life. Still single. And i haven't heard from that woman anymore.

University - coursework deadlines of yesterday and today just about met. Database one finished last night before the lecture but i had to hand it to the uni's registry which i find annoying, as I have to find time during work to go and hand it in. The other coursework an essay i finished off last night after uni. An exam in two weeks, week off and then the second semester starts with more fun and games.

The only thing i am miffed about is i am still waiting for a computer game i ordered before Christmas. The company sent out a second one last week but nothing has turned up. I have emailed them and am waiting to see what happens.

A website. Haven't been surfing much but if you want to know what a computer term means try

Monday, January 03, 2005

Monday 3rd January 2005


Well its the start of another week. Back at work tomorrow. Trying to do my coursework but the online link to the uni's database is not working again. Hopefully will get an extension again seeing as its broke again. The essay one though should be relatively easy providing I can sit down and type it up over the next week.

As for life nothing new really. Although i keep getting im'd by women from eastern europe on ICQ. There is one i talk to, but there is no way i can afford to go over there. As for trying to find someone locally, seems like it could be hard work.

If you need to understand a bit about computers try my uni coursework website at

Have fun.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Day 2005

Another day of boredom. Another year of same old same old.

What can i expect this year. More tax rises from the thieves in the UK governement. No help from my company to improve my career prospects leading to better pay, other than perhaps paying for courses. I am sceptical that they do this to keep me quiet instead of treat me as an individual who works as part of a larger team. As a graduate I feel so undervalued its depressing. I feel stifled.

Therefore, unless something seriously changes I wont be able to start a pension plan, thereby never having chance to enjoy retirement in 30 years time if I live that long.

Oh well.

As for me, today just having a quiet day in the house. Tidying the kitchen a little bit.

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