Sunday, August 19, 2007

This week

Hi there readers,

Hope you are well.

I am still single and skint. Which is ok to a point and I should really be looking for a better paid job.

This week upto Friday, I cycled to work on days. The boss was off Friday so was on me todd. It was the quietest day of the week. Added loads of friends to my myspace.

Then.....yesterday, went to Merry Hill shopping with my half-brothers for birthday presents, tshirts, chocolate(expensive new store called Hotel Chocolat) and a console game. I spent the rest of the time playing games, watching telly and surfing the net....well myspace. It was 9pm before I ordered pizza for my tea.

Today......hmmm went to the supermarket, sorting out some clothes, doing the washing, reading magazines, playing games and a little bit of surfing the net. Had my tea at a more reasonable hour today.

Thats it really. I must cut down the number of magazines I buy. Gain more confidence and hope the hedgehog in the garden isnt eating the cats food. Still, Man utd lost but Wolves won :)

Was going to have a rant but cant remember what about...mmmm all i will say there are some companies who are so blind they cannot see the wood for the trees. They must open their eyes.

Oh I was daydreaming this morning before getting up I was going to be on Opray Winfrey show....I was only daydreaming fortunately otherwise I would have beleived it lol

Thats it really. Two websites for you are - its the banner that made me laugh. :) and - about books including reviews etc.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

This Last Week

Hi there readers,

Well what a strange week its been.

Still single and skint.

The picture is of a train crossing Barmouth bridge taken from up on Dinas Oleau.

Well work was busy. I was on earlies, but from now till Christmas unless I change jobs I am doing consistently 8 - 4. My colleague as been seconded to do another task - which at the moment seems like a poisoned chalice. This secondment was a surprise to all of us and I was bit surprised I wasnt asked to do it being the one who is a graduate and all.

Still life goes one. Spent most of my weekend on Myspace adding people as friends and joining groups :) errr lots of. It can be very distracting and you can easily lose track of time.

It was after midnight when Iwent to bed last night. That is unusual for me.

I did chat to a lady called Kinky B via comments and myspace messages and left comments on other peoples myspace profiles.

The only other thing was that my half-brother came round with his brother to do my garden and his brother beat me on the game console on everything he tried. Gave me a lift to the supermarket though.

And finally, had bad tummy earlier and was in the bathroom....two doors away are Lithuainians listening to Lithuainian music in the middle of Wolverhampton. I was trying not to laugh. It was like eurovision/russian music.

Anyways two websites for you are; - to do with photography and a media(of all forms) review site. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Week upto today

Hi there readers,

Hope you are well.

Iam still single and skint. I should start to look for a better paid job now I have finished my Master's degree.

This week has been work, normal days except Friday when I was on earlies. Company I work for is being sold so its now a wait and see. The week before last I wen to my docs who told me my blood pressure was slightly raised and I have to go back in a month to have it rechecked....well its going to be higher now!!!

Anyways, it was my nephew's birthday this week. Due to the flaming postal strike his present turned up late. Am not impressed and think the Royal Mail workers are being led astray by the conniving heads of the CWU union who don't lose a days pay when their members go on strike.

Oh and we have had the foot and mouth disease rear its head again this week. Only six years after the last being blamed on a lab. Go figure. Lets hope the governement are better prepared. Foot and mouth disease was what I once thought Jade Goody had got.

Mind you i can do that. Speak without thinking rofl

The picture by the way is a view from Alnwick Castle in Northumberland.

My brother-in-law picked up my nephew's present Friday....two days after the event. Hope the Royal Mail lose loads of contracts....especially as the silly post person squashed it through the letterbox.

As for the weekend, its been quiet....went to the supermarket last night and my mum's earlier for Sunday lunch.

Finished an RSPB magazine. There hasn't been much on telly to watch.

Spending time on the internet, you can lose track of time. Too easy.

Before I go, two internet sites. a Norfolk UK nature reserve. And suppliers of conservation products. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you.

Have a good time till next time.