Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day 2006

Merry Christmas everyone.

Celebrate and enjoy.

Its been a funny old few days since my last post.

I have been to work, my nan's, fixed my sort of brother's sister-in-law's computer....he aint married yet. And now we finally arrive at Christmas day.

Rant: People who suck up to others are not very good at their jobs. In fact they are useless. Many business's are run by people who do a lot of sucking up....and I find this to be dishonest behaviour. China.....if it doesn't allow freedom of speech(doesn't have to have a democracy) how can corrupt officials be caught....well this could be the answer why in future years we may see the Chinese equivalent of Enron or Worldcom. Still.....they will learn eventually. Mind you do we have free speech in the UK? ermmm some would say it appears not.... although that Christian couple who got compensation have proved that you cannot deny free speech.

Well yesterday, was round me mums. Friday I went to ASDA after work. I walked round. Got me stuff and used the self-service checkout as it had the quickest queue. Funny how so many people dont like it and a couple of people tried to push in. Told em where to go... Then went to my Nan's where my uncle was and cousin Lee. First time i have seen either in ages. My uncle was a bit angry...then again he his going through the final pieces of a divorce....the wife he had for many years turned out to be nothing but a lieing cheat Gail simner....neee Baker..... take note. I also found out that in court you are only allowed to say yes or no.....hows the truth supposed to get out? So much for British justice...its more flawed now than it ever was and all because lawyers want to make lots of money out of the system. This seems to me that they have no interest in fairness, equality or justice. Booooooooooo!!!! Charge em all with treason. Give victims the right to have their say in court before sentencing and fathers, husbands equal rights....before the European Court of Human Rights do!!!!

Ooops whinging there a bit. Still some websites for you.... - is the website for a photography magazine. And - its a bookstore apparently aimed at parents. Many of you may find this latter link useful. Take a look at both and let me know what you think of the sites.

Thank you for reading and hope you all have an enjoyable day.

PS Sympathies to those families who lost loved oned in war, and to the family of James Brown the singer who passed away in the last day.


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