Friday, February 11, 2005

Friday 11th February 2005

Well its Friday. Bored after a busy day. Dont mind being skint till pay day, but at least now I have sorted myself out.

Valentines day coming up. Noone to share it with or send a card too which i am quite disappointed about.

As for uni, its quieter than last semester. The modules though look fairly interesting. Although looks nothing like Basic as i knew it.

Still its Friday, its the weekend, and I have to work for a couple of hours tomorrow and get all my washing done, plus studying. It never ends.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday 6th Febuary 2005

Two whole weeks.

Has anything changed? No. I completed my first semester at university and have defintely passed the Database module. Had two weeks off uni. It all starts again this week.

As for work, much the sameness. My colleague was back this week after over 2 weeks off.

Love life: Fairly quiet. Nothing to report.

Other things, was round my sisters last night for tea. Havent played 5 a side footie for a few weeks, this time due to a slightly sore ankle and still slightly sore foot. May need new trainers.

Hopefully me and my brother-in-law will be going to a car boot to sell some bits and pieces. Be quicker than ebaying them.

My website of choice this post is - a really good browser although it takes a little getting used to.

I hope to post again soon.