Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday 14th January 2006


Its the weekend at last. Phew. Been busy today so far. Before I went anywhere went to my local tip to get rid of cardboard and plastic bottles which they now have containers for.

Been to Bridgnorth for a walk, take some photos and filmed some birds if they didn't fly off. Bridgnorth is a nice Shropshire town in the UK. Filled the camera's card even before I crossed over the bridge. Walked up into High Town and bought a magazine, some veg, and something to eat; namely a cornish pasty and an apple doughnut. Yum yum.

Then walked back to the car and drive to Merry Hill shopping centre. Went to the jewellry store to get my watch strap shortened. Had to hang around for an hour. So went into some other shops, had a Starbucks cappucino and bought an x-box game for my gf. Hope she likes it. Although she may play my American Chopper game more lol. Got my watch back, grabbed some chips and a regular cola from harry ramsdens chippy. Ate the chips in the car and have just driven home.

And as for a website. - or if in the US try .com It is the website for TV's history channel. No fancy stuff. :)

Let me know what you think.

Thank you and regards.


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