Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday 18th February 2006


Well its been another fun, busyish week.

Wednesday: Another really busy day at work. Got home, didnt do much. Maybe a little coursework reasearch and of course spoke to the gf on the phone.

Thursday: Another really busy day at work. Strangely busy. The workmen have almost finished the outside of the building. Paths in stead of a mudpit. Soon be nice and tidy. Came home, had a rest, then went to uni for an hour to do little research. Got back home, spoke to the gf on the phone apparently she is at her brother's now.

Friday: A quieter day at work today. Came home. Didn't do too much. Ste rang and asked if i wanted to play footie over at Lilleshall - the national sports centre. So i went round to my sisters after picking up my half brother and my brother-in-law gave us a lift to the footie. I ended up on a team with lots of players i didnt know up front. Hardly got any service whatsoever due to the defence and midfield forgetting which way the ball should go. lost 3-0. Oh well. Still, my sister had prepared a nice light salad for when we got back. Came home and went to bed. I had managed to make byself sore and got a black eye when the football had smacked me in the eye after attempting to header it.

Today: Well i couldnt put my left contact lens in. My eye was very sore. I have put some drops in it. Got my brother to drive to Bridgnorth. I bought some veg, a couple of magazines, one on linux and the other on photography. I have spent most of the day trying to get my installation of linux on my other pc working. It works, just cant get it on the internet. Have spoken to my gf too. Watched a bit of telly and thats about it. Local footie team won. phew!!!

I have a couple of websites for you today. - a diary about birds. - home of the linux format magazine in the UK. For those who dont know, Linux is an operating system. Requires a more technical knowledge.

Anyways let me know what you think.

Have fun and regards.


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