Saturday, January 28, 2006

Saturday 28th January 2006


Well what a quiet day. I got up this morning. After a bit of quiet contemplation and trying not too feel too down that my gf wasn't coming up today I went to Bridgnorth. Spent more than i thought. But....the stall in the market selling coconut macaroons was there so I got a pack and a slab of rich fruit cake. yum yum. I got some meat from the butcher's there which is very good. Cider apple and pork sausages, lamb and mint sausages. mmmmmm. Got some fruit and veg from the market too.

Did learn today that cat litter comes in clumping and non-clumping. Got the latter to see if it stops one of my gf's cats crapping in my hallway by the front door.

Did a bit of cleaning too. cleaned the sink in the kitchen, dishwasher has been on twice and the washing machine once. Most of my clothes are now upstairs.

A website for today is - the current rival to MS Office suite. Unless of course lotus are releasing a new version of their office suite.

Let me know what you think.

Thank you and have fun.


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