Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday 16th March 2006

Hi all,

Well its been another quiet day.

Got up this morning, had a shower, some toast, made my lunch then went to work. This was also after cleaning up cat sick. Work was a fairly steady day with the usual mix of users who require jobs doing that require a bit of faffing to get them to work. My colleague was in for half a hour then went off to lunch with the Blood donor people and a another work colleague. He still hadnt returned by the time i had finished. There is another Australian working within the company I work for in this country. This kind of bemuses me, as I thought their country was better than this one. I mean who would swap warm weather for cold, damp snowy weather. Still....

When I finished work i came straight home to find one of the cats had crapped underneath my computer desk. I kicked em out the back door and shut the door this time. They didnt seem to want to venture far. They will have to learn they cant stay in all the time.

As for a website. Do you have a football team? If so you may want to add it to

Take a look and let me know what you think of the site.

Thank you and have fun.


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