Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday 13th March 2006

Hi all,

Today, I have done something i didnt expect to do. I split from my gf. It was hard, because i wasnt sure how to tell her. I hadn't seen her for nearly a month and that was only two weekends since christmas. She suspected I hadn't been happy lately. She didn't take it as bad as all the other times we have tried. But it was more I had had enough gently. I had a big emptiness in me this weekend that her not being there couldn't fill. It was physical compassion i was missing and she hasnt given me any of that lately. I felt i needed it this weekend and was very empty.

As for the rest of my day, I have been to work and uni. My work colleague is considering getting a caravan. Might be useful for him and is family. Went to the tutorial at uni and found i needed to narrow my focus a bit. Did a little bit of work on the resume that has to be in tomorrow too.

And a website: - a site about PC games.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thank you and have fun.


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